10 Expenses I Cut Down On to Save More For Travel

Travel to me means everything, but unfortunately, travel would be impossible without at least some funds behind you. I’ve saved money for a few trips now and I feel like I have learnt a thing or two along the way which I thought I could share with you in today’s post

In order to save up for travel, I definitely recommend you have a round-up of your expenses and cut back on the things that just aren’t necessary. Little cutbacks here and there can make a big difference to the savings pot. And below are 10 expenses I avoid when saving for a new adventure!

Buying coffees out all the time

I am an absolute sucker for a good coffee run, but this is always the first expense to go out the window when I need to save my pennies. Good coffee can be between £2-4 nowadays so if you’re having a few a week it can add up quickly. A little tip for any avid caffeine drinkers, I have a budget(ish) coffee maker (link here) and some gorgeous ground coffee at home, which feeds my caffeine addiction and means I can keep the coffee cost low.

Buying new clothing

It’s easy to fall into the trap of constantly needing a new outfit, maybe for a party or a birthday dinner. But the best thing you can do for your travel funds is to have a spending ban on new clothing.

If there is a new item of clothing you are desperate for why not try to sell some old clothes you no longer wear to offset the cost. I really recommend using Vinted to sell your unworn clothes, it’s super simple.

Eating out a lot

I don’t just mean eating in restaurants, I also cut back on buying my lunch out when I’m working e.g. meal deals. It’s easy for the bank balance to start decreasing once you are constantly buying snacks or eating out a lot, so start making your meals at home.

The best thing I found to combat my spending on food is to meal plan, if I plan ahead it’s a lot easy when I pop to the shops. I can stick to a budget much better by making weekly supermarket trips instead of going to the shops every other day or ordering a takeaway.

Obviously every now and then you might want to head out for a meal or have a cute night in with a takeaway and that’s totally fine. I personally save up Tesco Clubcard points and swap them for restaurant vouchers to help tackle the spenny-ness of a meal out, they are super easy to rack up so I definitely recommend it.

Rethinking your memberships

Assessing what your monthly memberships are is a must when your trying to save and I’m sorry to say but it might be time to give some the boot.

Do you make the most of your gym memberships or can you be doing those workouts from home? Is that beauty box your subscribed to monthly really worth the money? Do you have enough time to make the most of Netflix, Disney + and Prime?

I recommend taking some advice from Marie Kondo here and once you have listed your monthly memberships/subscriptions, only keep the ones that spark joy in you. Now if you still not unsubscribing from any just give them all a number, roll the dice and there we go another small bit added to the savings pot every month.

Buying bottled water

BUY A REUSABLE WATER BOTTLE AND USE IT! Wasting your money buying bottled water is not only bad for your bank account it’s also bad for your environment. SO if you want to travel the world do both yourself and the world a favour. Most cities have free drinkable water stations, and many cafes will happily refill your bottle to keep you hydrated, so ditch the bottled water already.

Getting your nails done

I love getting my nails done, it makes me feel fantastic and I especially love the sound of long nails on a keyboard, but alas I love travelling the world more. So it was time to boot the habit of paying £30+ every 2 and a bit weeks for a fresh set.

Cutting out beauty treatments can help you reduce your expenses a lot, think eyelash extensions, fake tans or even haircuts. You can still get it done occasionally but resisting going all the time will help add to that bank balance.

Cut down on the booze

You know that feeling when you are hungover and can’t bring yourself to open your online banking, yeah, we have all been there. Cutting back on the number of drinks I have on a night out is essential, not only does it help with the savings and helps with the headaches!

Naturally, I still will go out and meet pals for a cheeky drink here and there, but when I do I try looking for a cheaper alternative. Instead of splashing the cash on a cocktail I know that I will drink in 2.5 seconds because it tastes so goddam good, I’ll opt for a trusty old pint that will undoubtedly save me some pennies and I will drink much slower.

Simplify your makeup and skincare routine

I used to have so many skincare and makeup products in my daily routine and then lockdown happened and I stopped getting ready for the world. I found out that actually, I don’t need a full face of makeup every day or a 7 step skincare routine *cough cough consumerism*.

Obviously, everyone is a little different and if simplifying your beauty regime isn’t for you feel free to skip this one. But honestly not wearing makeup every day has helped me save so much, I was buying Estee Lauder Doublewear almost 4 times a year and at £35 a bottle, instead, now my bottle has lasted me nearly a year and a half.

Want to start simplifying your beauty regime my best tips are below!

Use up what you have before you buy new products. Do you really need another nude lipstick?

Have a 3 product rule when it comes to makeup. Think of it as a fun challenge. Can you do your makeup with just 3 products?

Let your skin breathe, I know there is so much out there about how you should use this cream or that serum. But honestly, nowadays I stick to a splash of water and some SPF when it comes to skincare.

Buying books

I can get so caught up in a book store and end up walking out with 6 new reads when I still have a pile of unread books at home. So don’t be that person and maybe consider doing book swaps with a friend or visit your local library next time you fancy a new book.

Walk over using the car

I mean petrol at the moment is a killer and don’t get me wrong I feel so privileged to have a car as it allows me so much more freedom, However, I have completely cut back on pointless journeys to save on petrol costs and anywhere I can walk/share lifts to I will.

Saving can sometimes be really difficult and unexpected costs will arise, so every now and then don’t forget to treat yourself. Everyone’s circumstances are a little different so try and figure out what expenses you can live without and let us all know in the comments below!


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