7 Reasons To Take That Solo Travel Trip

I say this to nearly everyone I meet, but I honestly believe everyone should try a solo trip once in their lives. It certainly changed my life for the better. It can feel terrifying and daunting at first, however, the benefits highly outweigh the cons.

You don’t have to wait for someone to join you to take that trip you have been dreaming about. Taking the leap and booking a solo trip is something you won’t regret. So below you will find my 7 reasons to take that solo travel trip.

Girl taking photo of Sydney Opera House, Australia
My First Solo Travel Trip- Australia 2017

To meet people you never normally would

Travelling solo doesn’t have to mean complete solitude. Staying in hostels, taking part in group activities and speaking to the local barista can all lead to new connections. The best thing about travel is meeting people from all walks of life. Meeting locals can help you get to know a destination better and swapping stories and tips with other solo travellers can make your trip much more enjoyable. If you travel with other people sometimes you can overlook these moments and miss making some unforgettable connections.

To travel how you want to

Ever been on holiday with friends and all wanted to do different things with the day? Well, guess what if you go it alone this problem goes away. In fact, this is one of the most attractive parts of solo travel you can literally do whatever you want, whenever you want. Time to hike a mountain, maybe chill on the beach, or perhaps go skydiving, the decision is totally yours. With no compromising, you have more time to see and do everything you want in the destination.

Not sure where to head for your first solo travel trip? Discover my favourite solo travel destinations.

To learn about yourself

Experiencing other cultures and the different ways of life will undoubtedly make you reflect on your own. There are a lot of cliche sayings about going travelling solo to find yourself and although cheesy, it’s 100% true. You’ll have a lot more alone time than usual and with that comes a lot more introspection. Also, the opportunity to try different things, whether it be food, activities or whole new lifestyles, can lead to a whole new perspective on yourself and what you like.

To grow your self-confidence

You’ll have to dig deep inside and pull some confidence out of yourself to make the most of solo travel, but I believe we all have this ability. My best advice is to fake it till you make it. However, remember from the moment you booked that ticket for your solo trip you demonstrated confidence in yourself. So celebrate the small moments and watch your confidence skyrocket on a solo trip.

To get out of your comfort zone

We all know growth comes from being outside of our comfort zone and I promise you solo travel will push you out into the furthest corners of your comfort zone. Going to a restaurant or a bar alone, approaching new people and navigating a new place alone are all scary things for most of us. But living a life in your safety bubble will rarely see much personal growth, so get out there and do a few things that scare you.

Worried about safety as a solo female traveller? Here’s my advice on staying safe and enjoying your solo travel trip as a female.

To get a new perspective on a destination

Solo travel gives you the time to really absorb a new place and be grateful for the current moment. Things will just look different when you are by yourself. With no one else’s opinions, you make your own judgment on a destination. Also, you don’t rush around as much because your time is yours and not shared with others, you notice and see much more.

To become more independent

You will undoubtedly face challenges whilst solo travelling, things will go wrong and you will have to fix them. This will teach you invaluable life skills and make you much more independent, especially if this is your first time away from home. All the planning and resourcefulness that goes into travel will be transferable to jobs, studying, further travelling or whatever is next for you.

Did I convenience you to book that solo travel trip? Good! Check out the 4 things I think every solo traveller should know.

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