How To Be Comfortable On A Long Haul Flight

Stay hydrated

A classic tip for staying comfortable on a long flight, make sure your drink a lot of water. A plane is full of recycled air and making sure you stay hydrated can curb the effects of jetlag and feeling groggy when you get to your destination. I also like to take a mini body lotion and hydrating face mask to keep my skin from drying out.

Dress for comfort

You aren’t on a fashion runway and trust me the flight will go smoother if you are in your most comfortable clothes. Layers are also ideal as one minute the plane might be hot the next the air con is giving you shivers. My go-to tends to be t-shirt, hoodie, leggings, and fluffy socks (love me some fluffy socks on a plane)

Adjust your bodyclock

The best way to try and hit the ground running and beat jetlag is to set your watch and all your devices to the time zone of your destination as soon as the plane takes off. That way you get to adjust a little bit before even arriving in the country.

Move around

Unless you are planning on sleeping the entire way, I’m a big supporter of getting up and moving around the plane. Make sure your legs are still working and give them a bit of a stretch, it is good for your health and also it helps if you’re trying to stay awake.

Keep yourself busy

Read a book, watch a TV series, do a puzzle book, write your next novel, play candy crush, get yourself a colouring book. Basically, whatever it is you never have the time to do at home, you now have 6-12 hours on a plane so make the most of it. One of the things I like to do is go through my photos on my phone and organise them and delete the ones I no longer want, which tends to keep me busy for a while.

Plan your travels

I love doing this as it gets me all excited for the destination I’m about to arrive in, so grab that travel guide and start highlighting! And if you haven’t got a travel guide, fear not, most planes tend to have a travel magazine which I also love browsing through for my next trip inspiration. Or simply just grab a notebook and pen and think about how you want to spend your time exploring on this trip.

Prepare some snacks

Make sure your carry-on has plenty of things for you to munch on during your journey. You don’t want to be hangry on a long-haul flight. One trick I was always taught was to have boiled sweets or chewing gum on the go during take-off and landing to stop your ears popping, now I can’t say it works completely but it definitely makes me feel better.

Keep yourself fresh

All that recycled air in the plane can make you feel like you need a shower ASAP, as this isn’t an option I recommend bringing a few essentials. This will really help you feel more refreshed on the other end. Bring a change of underwear, toothbrush/paste, some deodorant, body spray, and face wash/wipes.

What are your best tips for surviving a long-haul flight?


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