
The Best Destinations For Solo Travel

The world is full of countries, cities, towns and villages to explore, the list is neverending! The freedom we have now to travel the world is unlike any generation before us and if international travel is an option for you, it’s truly a blessing.

As I have spoken about many times before solo travel is an adventure we should all try once in our lives, it will change your view on the world and connect you to places and people you would never have known otherwise. Today I want to inspire you with just a few ideas of destinations that are great for solo travellers who want to dip their foot into solo adventures!


I think the Philippines is one of my favourite destinations I have ever been to as a solo traveller. With absolutely stunning islands, beaches and caves/coves you will be immersed in nature. The thing that makes this the perfect destination for solo travel is the super friendly locals who for sure will make you feel welcome. Rightly so they are proud of the beautiful country they call home and the locals I met were more than happy to show/let you know where the best places are! As a solo female traveller I never once felt unsafe or at risk and the people I met were nothing but inviting and helpful.

It’s estimated that the Philippines is home to 7,640 different islands, meaning there is plenty to explore in this gorgeous and welcoming country. Some of my favourite islands I would recommend are Siargao, Palawan, Siquijor just to mention a few. I found Filipino culture to be strongly centred around enjoying life to its fullest and this was infectious across the country, its something I took home with me as I try to implement in my everyday life now too. The whole of my time in the Philippines just felt like one big paradise dream and I couldn’t think of a better destination to recommend for solo travel.

Read more about the Phillippines here.


My first solo travel love! Australia was the country I took the leap of faith in for my first solo travel adventure and I don’t regret it one bit. It’s quite a commonplace for British backpackers so there was security in that kind of herd mentality of well if they did it, so could I. And whilst that’s not how I look at travel now, as an 18-year-old girl wanting to explore the world it gave me the reassurance I needed to take that jump into solo travel.

Australia is home to a diverse range of landscapes from the outback, to reefs, to rainforests and vibrant cities meaning there are plenty of adventures to choose from. The backpacker culture is present in almost all the cities in Australia which allows you to meet like-minded travellers on your adventures. The most common route taken by backpackers would have to be travelling the east coast, from Melbourne all the way to Cairns, you are inundated with amazing locations to explore.

As the east coast is such a popular route it can feel a little over explored, so if you want to change it up I strongly reccomed checking out the west coast. I took a road trip from the city of Perth up to Broome and I would not be over-exaggerating to say it changed my life. It gave me a love for adventure that I will hold on to for the rest of my life. I hiked incredible national parks, slept under the stars in the outback, swum with manta rays and that’s not even half of it. Some places to not miss on the route would be Karaijini National Park, 80 Mile Beach, Coral Bay for Ningaloo Reef and Hamelin Pool.

Read more about Australia here.


I had so much fun travelling solo throughout Vietnam, again with such a strong backpacking culture you’re able to meet so many people throughout your solo adventure. Have a Bánh mì, take a scooter tour, try and cross a road in their crazy cities, take a basket boat ride, swim in caves, learn about the war and fully get stuck in exploring the country. I think this is a fantastic destination for solo travellers to learn about and appreciate a culture that is different to their own.

I fell in love with the city of Hoi An, it had such a charm about it that I can’t quite describe with words and makes it an unmissable location if you are headed to Vietnam. There was also another town I was very taken with and this was Sapa, in northwestern Vietnam. The town overlooks terraced rice fields and is also the starting point to climb Mt Fansipan (Vietnam’s highest mountain). There are so many options to do guided walks in the area and I could not recommend this more as not only will you be able to take in some gorgeous views, the guides also talk about the local customs and traditions.

Vietnam is such a great destination for solo travel as there is just so much happening and all sorts of things to learn. It’s easy to travel around the country by bus or train so you won’t feel overwhelmed on the planning side. Just make sure you don’t rush the adventure, take your time to really immerse yourself in each location you visit in Vietnam.

Read more about Vietnam here.


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